I am extremely happy to share with you that I have made my own social media called "beSocial". It is a full stack project which is completely built with Nodejs, Expressjs, Mongodb and some node libraries. It took me almost four days to complete it. Since Heroku has already withdraw its free tier services, I have moved to Render.
I have tried to make development environment as comprehensive as possible. The file structure looks like this:
Nodejs libraries that has been incorporated to build this app
- Expressjs - for creating various GET and POST APIs.
- EJS - for injecting dynamic content inside HTML.
- JWT - for user authentication and setting up cookies.
- Mongoose - for handling mongodb database.
- Multer - for handling image uploads.
- Sharp - for resizing images.
- cookie-parser - for parsing cookies
- nodemon - for auto-refreshing web page while development.
- moment - for handling time related stuffs.
My username is "srudra754".